Saturday, 19 July 2008

Most expensive bridge

It is rumored that the new Southern bridge (Dienvidu tilts) over river Daugava in Riga will be the most expensive one in the World by counting how much money has been spend per square meter. It is estimated that the city has spend 1184 Ls (approx. 1600 EUR) per square meter or 220 655 552 Ls for the whole bridge in total. It is expected that the bridge will open at the end of 2008. It looks that it will be also one of the most ugliest bridges too...
The photos feature both coasts.
All photos by (c) Arnis Balcus


Anonymous said...

foršas bildes!

Anonymous said...

Ls uz EUR ne tā esi pārrēķinājis ;)

Anonymous said...

Tikai nevajag aizmirst, ka izmaksās iekļaujas gan tilts, gan slāvu aplis, gan pārdaugavas apbūve.

Tāpēc saukt to par dārgāko tiltu ir dumju cilvēku iezīme pakļauties mediju pīlēm.