Sunday 19 April 2009


Boska used to be and probably still is the biggest shopping centre in Banja Luka, the capital of the republic of Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is probably the most empty one as well. The shopping centre still belongs to the state and recently failed privatisation, thus the stock has not been refilled for a long time, while the staff cannot be fired for some reason. It is quite surreal to walk through the centre, seeing empty shelves and bored saleswomen smoking inside.
Photos by (c) Arnis Balcus

1 comment:

Bojan said...

hi Arnis,
I was stunned to see some of your photos from Boska because it is a subject of my project already for some years and i just opened the show in Belgrade about it. ...anyway it's a great collection of photos you have there. I will link your blog to my web (although it is being updated at the moment).

Well, if you have time feel free to write me on this mail

greetings and good luck with the show in Riga.
